Tuesday 20 August 2013

Picture swipe script not working

Picture swipe script not working

I'm trying to make some pictures on a website "swipable" on mobile devices.
I'm new to javascript and jquery so I could have made any number of
mistakes, though I'm not sure where.
(Note: this is similar to a question I posted yesterday, but I have
changed quite a few things to make the following more understandable).
I have the following declared in my header (of course these files exist in
their respective directories):
<link rel='stylesheet'
<script src='http://www.hidden.com/js/jquery.mobile-1.3.2.min.js'></script>
This is the way the images are linked right now:
<div class='main_image'>
<img src='http://www.hidden.com/1250_Harbin/hidden_harbin
' alt='Interior Rendering from West Harbin Station
Towers [hidden]' style='max-width:832px; max-height:500px'
title='West Harbin Station Towers: Interior Rendering. click
for next slide (Rendering). '>
This is the script I wrote, which goes right after:
<script type='text/javascript'>
jQuery('div.main_image').on('swipeleft', swipeleftHandler);
jQuery('div.main_image').on('swiperight', swiperightHandler);
function swipeleftHandler(event){
{transition: 'slideleft', changeHash: false});
function swiperightHandler(event){
{transition: 'slideright', changeHash: false});
Right now, clicking on the images work, but it does not detect swiping.
Any suggestions?

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